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a Lifecycle Approach

Ageing with HIV Phase 3

People living with HIV/AIDS for at least 10 years (aged 18-50)

Conference: New Challenges and Unmet needs of people Living and Ageing with HIV/AIDS Aged 18-50 – Quality of Life and Preventive Healthcare,

3-6 May 2018,

Kyiv, Ukraine

Ageing with HIV Phase 3

In order to better understand the current specific needs of PLHIV/AIDS and how to contribute to the development of more focused responses for this population, the project aims to address the challenges and unmet needs of PLHIV/AIDS from a life cycle perspective. 

The project consists of three different phases: people living with HIV/AIDS aged 50+, children and adolescents (aged 0-25) and people who have lived with HIV/AIDS at least 10 years (aged 18-50). The main activities are series of thematic webinars and stakeholder conferences.
We expect from the implementation of this project to increase awareness within the patient community, researchers, healthcare providers and other key stakeholders of the unmet clinical and psychosocial needs of PLHIV/AIDS at different stages in their lives, and to identify advocacy priorities in the HIV and ageing domain./AIDS and how to contribute to the development of more focused responses for this population, the project aims to address the challenges and unmet needs of PLHIV/AIDS from a life cycle perspective. 

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