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Steering Committee

Mario Cascio

Has been living with HIV/HCV/HBV since 1985. Has always had a strong interest in social issues, coordinating projects with high risk groups, mainly IDUs. As an HIV activist and member of NPS Italia, network of people living with HIV, has worked for many years as peer counsellor and peer educator in Italian prisons, in projects aimed at encouraging testing/prevention/treatment of HIV/HCV/HBV among prisoners. Since 2012 is founder and co-chair of NPS Sicilia coordinating training activities and educational projects among young people in Italian schools. Is currently a member of EATG, as part of the Policy Working Group.

Frank M. Amort

Frank M. Amort, Policy Chair at EATG and Senior Lecturer at FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences. In late 2018 he will defend his Ph.D. thesis on dimensions and its determinants of the health related wellbeing of persons aging with HIV. He is interested on the intersection of HIV related stigma and ageism as well as the implications of aging and HIV for palliative care. 

Elias Phiri

Elias Phiri is currently working for Barts Health NHS- largest NHS hospital in the UK- as  Health Adviser based at Royal London Hospital.  Elias is also Board of Directors at AAEGRO (charity that offers support to migrants communities in London including PLHIV) and also volunteer’s with Africa Advocacy Foundation in London. He’s also a member of other health boards in London including the UKCAB, British Medical Association (PLG) and others. Elias has over 20 years of experience working in both voluntary and statutory organisations in the UK, especially on issues of: HIV, TB, HCV and reproductive health. Elias is interested in working in issues of health inequalities, especially on the impact of HIV and Ageing in migrant population across Europe. Elias graduated from King's College London in Health Promotion (MSc).

Ian Hodgson

Ian Hodgson has been involved in the international HIV sector for over 20 years. Areas of interest include: HIV stigma, sexual and reproductive health rights, cultural determinants of HIV prevention, HIV treatment access, and adolescents living with HIV. He has worked in a range of locations in Asia, Africa, and Europe, and much of his work involves project monitoring and evaluation. Most recently (2018) this included a mid-term review of a nine-country HIV advocacy programme (PITCH), led by a partnership between the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Aidsfonds. Ian has been an EATG member since 2013, and is currently Chair of the Training and Capacity Building Working Group. He is also a member of the European HIV Nursing Network, a PhD supervisor for students undertaking international health-based research, and delivers a module on global health advocacy at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

Wojciech Tomczyński

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Acknowledgements to the previous Steering Committee members:

Ben Collins, Brian West, Jo Bernardo, Siegfried Schwarze, William Babumba, Damian Kelly, Christina Antoniadi and Shema Tariq

Thank you for the time, expertise and enthusiasm you have brought to the Ageing with HIV Project. Your ideas and inputs were most helpful and have contributed to the development and efficient implementation of phases 1 and 2 of the project. 

EATG working group chairs

Giulio Maria Corbelli

Giulio Maria Corbelli was diagnosed with HIV in 1997. He is a member of EATG – European AIDS Treatment Group. He currently serves as the chair of ECAB (European Community Advisory Board) and as a member of the Policy Working Group. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the PARTNER Study (, member of the Community Advisory Group for INSIGHT network (, member of AVAC's project pxROAR Europe project (, member of the Executive Committee of the Forum for HIV Collaborative Research (, and member of the Editorial Board for the European Patients Academy (

He is a member of the Board of Directors of Plus, the first network of LGBT people living with HIV in Italy (, and member of the panel for the Antiretroviral Guidelines at the Italian Ministry of Health. Giulio works as a freelance journalist for magazines and websites. 

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Jules Levin, NATAP

Jules Levin Founded NATAP in 1995 and remains the Executive Director. NATAP has been a leader in providing HIV and hepatitis C and B education and information, HIV & Aging, and in policy/advocacy since 1995 in HIV and aging and Hepatitis C. Over the years Jules has worked closely with all the stakeholders in HIV and hepatitis including government and community.

NATAP pioneered large-scale national community-based HIV and hepatitis C treatment education programs starting in 1996, and pioneered online HIV conference coverage starting in 1996 adding hepatitis C and B 2 years later.

The NATAP website was the first to receive press credentials to CROI and to provide CROI coverage online in 1998. The website traffic is high, it receives 4 million hits monthly and over 50,000 people receive the daily emails, globally, and is a leading resource for HIV, hepatitis C/B, and HIV/Aging information, education, and real-time live conference coverage.

Jules has had HIV for 35 years and was the first HIV-coinfection HCV cure in 2001.

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This project has been independently developed by EATG, which was made possible through sponsorship from Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd. and ViiV Healthcare Europe.

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