Testing in resource poor settings in high prevalence areas - the challenges and obstaclesJan 20, 20171 min read Phase 2 - Children and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS (aged 0-25)Conference from 19 to 22 January 2017, Bucharest, Romania DAY 2: Friday, 20th January 201709:00-10:00 Testing in children and adolescents Download Presentation#RuslanMalyutaUNICEF #Testinginresourcepoorsettingsinhighprevalen #DAY2Friday20thJanuary2017 #Phase2ChildrenandadolescentslivingwithHIV #Testinginchildrenandadolescents
Phase 2 - Children and adolescents living with HIV/AIDS (aged 0-25)Conference from 19 to 22 January 2017, Bucharest, Romania DAY 2: Friday, 20th January 201709:00-10:00 Testing in children and adolescents Download Presentation#RuslanMalyutaUNICEF #Testinginresourcepoorsettingsinhighprevalen #DAY2Friday20thJanuary2017 #Phase2ChildrenandadolescentslivingwithHIV #Testinginchildrenandadolescents